It’s Not a Rainbow Vacuum

Nearly twenty years ago, I received a call saying that a friend had given the caller my name. The caller explained that he wanted to come and clean one of my rugs for free. 

I would typically reject such an offer, but since one of my best friends recommended it, I accepted.

The young man arrived at my house with his Rainbow Cleaning System, and I watched as he struggled to correctly assemble the machine, clean my rug, and give his presentation. He was sweating profusely, and I felt so bad for him that I helped him with the machine a few times. 

As I walked him to his car, I wanted to explain that this wasn’t the job for him, but I didn’t, and to this day, I regret not having the nerve. 

After he left, I called my friend, who said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I meant to tell you I gave him your name, but I forgot.”

Many of our conversations on the Intentional Churches Podcast have been around aligning our efforts to reach the One. This concept comes from Luke 15:7, where we read, “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”

When we think about reaching our One, many fear being like the Rainbow Cleaning Systems salesman I encountered. We fear showing up with someone who doesn’t want to see us, offering them something they don’t want, and profusely sweating while we do it. 

I get it. 

Churches have often tried to manipulate people into “evangelistic conversations” with questions about eternity, heaven, and hell. And this is not just an “old school” approach. It is still alive and well today. 

I regularly pass a sign that reads, “When you die, you will meet God.” The imagery assumes it will be an awkward, not joyful, meeting.

However, we do not advocate this approach. We reject manipulation and coercion in our evangelistic efforts and instead focus on authentic living and inviting. 

Dallas Willard points out that we constantly face competing messages offering us “the good life.” 

Don’t believe him? 

The next time you watch commercials, ask, “How did that product or service say I would have a good life?”

We believe Jesus offered us the true path to “the good life.” 

No coercion is needed when we authentically live with him and invite our Ones to follow him. We offer our Ones hope, love, and a community of people journeying together toward the good life. 

This is the heartbeat of Intentional Churches, and I invite you to check out this episode of the podcast to gain insight into how we can inspire others to do the same.

Norton Creative

A full-service design and strategy agency based in Denver, Colorado.

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The Questions We Ask